Being an advocate for women and young girls in the society has been a great opportunity to make some powerful research on individual behavioral /emotional insensitive and mental stability. Hence I decided to put into writing some of the major unhealthy manners large amounts of the women possess. 

Our mental health and emotional stability is one great push we need to survive in a world filled with controversy and rejection.

Having the below people as friends will fasten you into depression and possible Short existence on earth.

Be smart enough to read between the lines when you come in contact  with these 3 people and be bold enough to walk away without putting up any drama.


Bully is any type of intimidating behaviour that leaves another person fearful.
Such as threat of physical violence, it can also be a threat of Job loss or another negetive  consequence blocking someone from obtaining something important to them. Or making them believe that they will loose something that means alot to them.

You are being bullied if.

1 someone constantly demeans you or says snide remarks about you 
2 someone deliberately isolate you in social or work situations 
3 someone is constantly yelling at you or criticising you.
4 someone is constantly making helpful  suggestions and laying guIt   trips if you don't take them.

Bullies engage in persistently aggressive and or/ unreasonable behaviour against a person. That means you're  singled out and the person is being more than just annoying or rude.
Bullies are intentionally trying to harm you and your ability to do your work.


A Jealous person also possesses the attitude of a Bully 

Signs  when somone is Jealous  of you.

1 imitation. A person who is jealous of career, clothes. Etc will find ways to copy you.

2 insincere compliments .. they act like they like you, but the minute your back is turned they are talking behind your back.

3  they belittle your success. They will say things to minimize your accomplishment. Either directly or indirectly. In a passive aggeessive sneaky way.

4  they gloat when you fall or make a misrake . They are the first one to say i told you so.

5 you will be their rival in their eyes. A jealous person will start rivalry with you because they desire to be better than you.

6 jealous people will start negetive remour about you. They want everyone to see you iN a negative  way.

7 they find fault in everything you do. They want to belive you are an inferior person who just got lucky.

8 they dislike you for no reason. They dont know you, but will detest you anyway.


How do you know if someone is evil or has bad intentions for you?

They lie. People whO have nothing to hide, hide nothing. Devious people need to twist all the FACTS to benefit them.

They distort facts. Your friend tells that person, you are too generous with your gifts. That persoN tells you, your friend said you give too much because, you have an agenda. They twist facts to hurt you, or make you look bad.

They misguide you. You ask for advice and they lead you in the wrong direction. Because they are jealous or have bad intentions for you.

They are happy at your misfortune.  They rather enjoy your failures. They relish in your mistakes, and are happy when you fail.
Everything they say and do is to benefit them. They want you ti be in continuous distress, so they withold information that would make it better for you.

Everything they do is set up to hurt you. Some even want to destroy you .
They are always denying things . People who are malicious are always denying things because they are always  up to something destructive. 

They fear that when they show you way to be successful you will bebgreater than them. so they go behind you to the people they previously  wanted to support you and say nasty things about you and turn them against you.

Becareful and be bold enough to work  away from a Bully a jealous person and an evil person. Somethings you find all 3 character  in one person.
I call them Devils incarnate.

They can be acting nice to you just to cover the evil they do behind you. Never be carried away with the sweetness of friendship to forget your sanity and freedom. Dont be a slave to anyone.



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