Mfon a student at Arthur javis University Calabar, Beaten mercilessly by her fellow students. #JUSTICEFORMFON, SAY NO TO #JUNGLEJUSTICE


the capital city of Cross River State was thrown into a rude shock as Mfon Ekanem A 100 level Mass communication student at Arthur Javis University  was beaten by couple of students as they had already planned a coup from Mfon former friend who she nolonger wanna be friends with Cause she's just a friend for benefits from her (Mfon) the family Mfon is currently seeking justice for the mercilessly beaten giving to her with wounds all over her body.

The ugly incident happened at Arthur Javis University students hostel.
The Question is, were was the security personnels in the students hostel?
Why didn't the students report the incident instead of taking laws into their hands.
Below are the pictures and names of the girls who was involved in the coup with the claim that she stole a text book from one of their friend but later discover that DAISY was planted the so called text book in her (mfon's) locker  
DAISY.... The incident planner.

The culprits are
Daisy ibifuro  100 level law chief plotter
Victoria effanga 100 level mass comm student.
Regina 100 level law student
Precious chibuzor 100 level law student
Sarah 100 level mass comm
Favour igbechukwu 100 level mass com
Precious ilem 300 level 
Amaka 400 level
Joy ibulubor  400 level
Uche 400 level computer science
Iniabasi 300 level
Sarah 100 level mass comm
Favour igbechukwu 100 level mass com
Davina 100 level business admin.
Praise chibuzor  200 level

These are the people involved in beating her with the fact that she stole a book without asking how, when and why?

The person who planted the book at mfon's locker is yet to be at the time of filing this Report...

This is jungle justice 


  1. Get the real information from other sources, stop posting false information on your blog.

    1. How fake is the story, can you post the real story?

    2. So you're accepting to not confirming your story before posting

    3. Sorry to say but to be sincere you're so cheap
      You were bought for this fake news. I'm so disappointed 9ja street. I know your blog but I didn't know you guys were this cheap at all. 🥺🥺🥺

  2. Stop lying to the public with this fake news

  3. Stop lying to the public just because you want your blog to become popular

  4. Have you tried getting the real story?

    1. Kindly tell us your real story so it can be published

    2. Go back to your source and stop posting fake news

  5. Now the truth, a hundred level student named mfon ubong ekanem stole from different people, some of the items stolen include; charger cord, edge control and note.
    A 100lv law student named Daisy Kiri was a victim of Mfons criminal act.
    Mfon stole Daisy's philosophy note, tore out her name, Mfon procedeed to claim the book by writing her name, track number, and department.
    After this Mfon submitted the stolen note therefore gaining 30marks. This is an act of wickedness knowing how expensive it is to be enrolled in a private University.
    When confronted Mfon was not remorseful which led to a fight. Dear poster it's clear who's side you're on but nextime endeavor to verify your information before posting.
    The people who's pictures you posted are VICTIMS oglf Mfons criminal act.

    1. That is a very big lie..mfon was set up and there is solid proof to back it up...and let us assume that she stole like you claim..does that warrant those girls ganging up and beating her up..please stop covering up the truth . Mfon was brutalised for no reason and she didnt steal anything

    2. Actually mfon stole notesss.
      She tore out their names and wrote hers (isn't that wickedness)
      Also, she wrote in the notes. Are you trying to tell me that someone planted her handwriting in the notes found in her room? Pls there are alot of evidence to this. I can even show you the books. She wasn't even beaten to that extent. Only God knows what her family did to her face because she was only slapped not beaten brutally!!!

    3. Oh so you have confirmed that she was beaten? Thank you very much , you are only helping her case build more.
      You have also confirmed that was slapped .
      Thanks for the evidence

    4. Don't her parents slap her? Can just slap make a face like that.?
      I've also confirmed she stole and tore out people names from their book then wrote hers.. which is wickedness I feel she deserves the slap because it's painful to loose 30 marks knowing how expensive that school is. this mfon girl stole from many people which is so bad. The plate in her room isn't hers also she took it without telling the owner as well. Please Mfon needs serious prayers not Justice. Pray and she will stop stealing. Imagine she even stole in her secondary school. I hope they don't burn your Mfon one day. *#PrayersForMfon*

    5. This person sounds so much like Idara her senior sister, Idara is the one running the blog. So much conflict of interest.

    6. I'm telling you. It's her sis Idara who knows her sis stole the notes that's causing conflict here. Which is a very bad lifestyle
      Let's pray for them please

    7. Lol how are you so sure that her parents slap her. Do you think she has abusive or violent parents like ya'll who beat you up?
      What right do you have to slap a fellow student all because you suspect that she supposedly stole notebook?
      Are notebooks worth a human being's life and head?
      Oh now it's no longer books that you guys are framing her for it's now plates?
      Clowns you truly are

    8. No wonder she didn't go through home training 🤣 but the plate isn't her though to be sincere you can ask her. Idara you're the only one commenting lies so please have some sense. No one tried killing your sister they only taught her a lesson for lying. You're lucky it's a private school they would have insulted her so bad for stealing. Stealing is a big offense that shouldn't go free no matter what my dear

  6. Pls if u don't know what to post
    Stop posting lie

  7. Wahala de like pornhub 😂😂💔

  8. This girls are clearly trying to cover the truth meanwhile they victimized mfon. Mfon did not steal , she was set up and I have solid proof to back it up. It wasnt a fight , she was beat up by daisy and her three roommates named regina, precious and victoria effanga. She was hit with objects like electric kettle and hanger on her body . Do this girls have solid proof to show that mfon stole their note? Because I have solid proof to show that those notes were planted by this girls in her locker and box . She was victimized because of jealousy and hatred. And justice must prevail.

    1. Hope you're Aware those notes are with staffs in sch. Get ready to defend your handwriting and why you tore out their names. Pls stop Mfonizing oh.

    2. How do you know ur mfon was hit with these while you were not even there. Gosh you're a big lair a very very big one. She wasn't hit with anything my dear. She was only slapped. Perhaps I heard mfon lost her memory so how come she remembered these lies???? Pls someone should judge this oh. You lost your memory to remember you stole notes but u didn't loose ur memory to lie. SMH

    3. And who said she lost her memory please?
      You guys just keep bringing up fake stories everyday to justify your evil deeds

    4. Oh you thought that your brutal beating will wipe her memory and make her not to remember the evil you did to her and the embarrassment you gave her? My dear
      Your plans have failed ooo
      She remembers everything
      And am happy you just admitted that you beat her up
      Thanks love

    5. With the pictures, is that not convincing enough that she was beaten?

    6. Don't you watch Nigeria movies?? This family can change mouth sha. Ask her why she stole. No one cares about the fact that she stole right. No probs. This Mfon hit a girl called precious and she didn't take it too personal like this despite mfon stole from her also. Yet the thief is making it a big deal.
      If you really stole and you know it then get ready to be burnt one day or something bad will happen to you that will make you suffer so much MFON unless you confess now!!! But if you didn't steal You'll be set free and there'll be Justice for you.

    7. They went and covered her face with baby oil and gave her bone to chew before taking those pictures. Family of liar. Y’all are the ones encouraging the girl to steal, instead of cautioning her and praying really hard for her. I’ll advice you guys to embark on days of fasting for your girl because if The angels of God don’t work on this girl, I’m afraid one day, fuel and old tires will do the trick😒

  9. Crazy stupid dumb ass.... Arthur Jarvis girls.... most of y'all are so scared in public, but when it came to joining in random beatings y'all partook....phools they all should be dealt with

    1. Deal with the thief you call your child/ sister first

  10. Ugly bitches joined to beat her too....she too turnt for y'all...
    Bitches madd at her cuz they ain't got the juice not d sauce

    1. You're a very stupid person darling

    2. Which juice abeg😏 who is this foolish person please

  11. Do you know who a victim is?
    A victim is one who suffers physical harm without consent
    Daisy is not the victim here
    Daisy is the principal offender
    Shes the one who ganged up with her roommates and beat up mfon
    Other people also beat mfon up
    This is assault and battery
    And for all of you who made videos of mfon to mock her, I hope you know that is defamation of character
    Stay informed and stop commenting trash

    1. Noooo SISTA, you posting these other girls’ pictures and telling lies about them is defamation of character. Why can’t you just tell the truth and stop vomiting lies here. Stop supporting a thief, teach her not to steal and move on with you freaking lives

  12. Nice makeup tho 🌝
    Scars from the beating 🤣 Looking so fake like she just woke up from her sleep
    Please say the truth here and stop posting lies!!!
    If she didn't steal the notes can someone tell me what her handwriting is doing in it and why is her name written so boldly like it's hers??? Or is she just testing if she can write? Lol so funny
    Childish people everywhere 😂😂😂😂
    After claiming one's 30 marks you still have the mind to do this. This is enough wickedness. Even God will pay you for all your evil 😧!

    1. Those pictures were taken the night she was beaten. You can mock all you want
      It wont stop justice
      And have you forgotten that handwritings can be forged?
      You must certainly be one of her beaters

    2. No God will pay the monsters for the evil they did by gang beating her

    3. Bitch left school at night? And joined her family that proceeded to decide to post this lies and wow darling
      I wonder how she left school that day when she wasn't allowed out of her room because she was ashamed

    4. So someone forged her handwriting in all notes she stole. They Re up to 6 -10 you know.. you are just covering up Mfon and you know. Come To think of it, she lied that day she was caught that the notes were given to her to photocopy. Now another lie? Really Wow how many mouths does she have. Gosh this is irritating.

    5. You said the pictures were taken in the night? How come sun is reflecting in the house. Or does sun shine in the night?. 😂😂☺️🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
      Lairs everywhere!!!

    6. Excuse me..mfon was excused to leave school on medical're so low headed that you cant still see that beating somebody without proof is sick
      Arthur Jarvis university full of sick people

    7. There was prove that's why she was been slapped for denying it at first. Are you aware that mfon later testified to it and apologized for stealing the notes??? Why are you then twisting the matter round? Yeah she left the school but you guys said she went to the hospital not home. Why the lies ???? It's not nice to play with us

    8. They have private sun in their compound now🤣

  13. Lmao y'all supporting this thief need to get your brain checked
    You mean she got someone's marks but then she's the victim
    What about the girl who's result will be reduced cause this lying ass bastard
    Stupid mofo

    1. No it is you who is supporting the monsters who beat her that needs to get a brain sugery. Ode!

    2. Nawa ohh the girl should just steal all their properties now so that everybody will clap for her. She has done well now, shebi it’s a thing of pride to steal in your family 😏

  14. Take this wrong information down

  15. Take this wrong information down

  16. Take this wrong information down

  17. Take this wrong information down
    Take this wrong information down
    Take this wrong information down
    Take this wrong information down

  18. Wait oh this families are wonderful. This same family said Mfon went to the hospital that same day and was discharged on Saturday right so why are these pics taken in the house? Or am I the only one seeing she's in the house instead of hospital??? Day one of the attack. If she was truly in the hospital I'm sure her mom would have snapped her many times on the bed instead of her house. Lol🤣 Fake news all over social media.
    Again, someone should pls explain why her face in the undergoing treatment is very smooth (pls obvious this)
    But the others are not. Drama queen 🤣 I heard their families act. This is why they made Mfon face this way. God have mercy on your people. Amen.

    1. You are obviously one of her beaters and you're so scared that justice is knocking on your door
      Shut up dear

    2. Oh so you are pained that her face and eyes started to heal?
      You wanted her to remain sick forever right?

    3. Nothing like Justice sweetheart. I'm not any beater dear I'm just saying the truth dearest. You can't shut me up from saying the truth. How can I be scared while the truth is clearly
      Both you and your sis needs prayers. I'm staying close to your house. So I know what you and ur families are up to my dear. You people should know about the wicked doesn't go free. God will pay you back for everything you've done to innocent students. Making them recopy their notes and loosing marks. My God will surely back you back🥺🥺🥺

    4. Why are you insulting her and her sister?
      How can you label someone a thief , brutally beat the person up then still make mockery videos of the person and you're here supporting the beaters.
      May God have mercy on you

    5. Brutally indeed. You are lucky your Mfon isn't going to a public school if not sorry would have been your name. They would have treated her fuck up very well and pls don't make a mistake to send her to a public or govt sch if you love your daughter mfon.

    6. They should’ve just told us that they wanted money. They’re now using this as a medium to cash out 😏 you guys really have no shame

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. My love they are obviously not the beaters they are the eyewitness of the incident, so darling I think you should look for somewhere else to find the Funds you want to use to travel abroad cause if u think u could use this means then trust me u guys have failed 😘 I love u too hun

    2. Exactly. My dear
      You're being selfish Kiki. You care only about the beating as u said. You don't care about your sis as you claim to be if not you and ur mom would have sat her down and Advice her to stop stealing. Even pray for her but you choose to disgrace her the more. Just imagine the fake pics you posted of her. Take a look at the scars so fake. My dear mfon needs serious prayers so she won't be burnt one-day for stealing in the public

    3. Lol funds to travel abroad you say?
      Were you the one who provided funds for us to travel to all the places mfon been to before ?
      From your comment it seems this matter is personal to you
      Like you're commenting out out of jealousy or envy for mfon and not the real matter here.
      And my dear the pics are not fake
      You're just shocked that there is solid evidence against what you guys did to her
      So continue
      This is interesting to watch

    4. You're the one who will be burnt for brutally abusing people's human rights my dear
      That prayer wont work
      Mfon is not a thief

    5. Actually... people are burnt for STEALING baby girl, not whatever the heck you said💅🏾 You’re just embarrassing your family here.

  20. This blogger can't even spell well no longer he's posting this fake news. I doubt if he's ............
    Anyway it's Arthur Javis University not Arther.. Thanks

  21. Have sense sweetheart, you're running a lost battle already, but if you still want to go to court, see you there.

    1. Lol. Court indeed. Everything about you is extremely fake.
      You're the one with a lost battle. Bcos I'm in no battle with you dear. See your Mfon in prison 😃😂☺️😍
      You're so lucky I can't send pics here if not everyone would seen the wickedness of your Mfon by posting some books she stole

  22. Dear Kiki (Idara), hope you're aware that the messages you also sent to people will be used against you too, so please advise your sister to stop stealing and advice yourself to wait for the court to make their decision and stop taking justice into your hands, I believe that's the same thing that started this whole drama, others taking justice into their hands right? So rest, let justice prevail.

    Let me quote your status, a person is innocent until proven guilty by a competent law court, so calm down let the court finish your small money, cause you're just going to waste your money in court

    1. That's true Idare you sent death messages to people it would be used against you. Lol
      Keep wasting your money bbygirl.. you deserve it.

  23. Family of liers, from the mother to the last child 🤦🏽‍♀️

    It's just a pity cause your mom is supposed to be a pastor

  24. Kiki dear I think it’s high time I jog your memory a bit, have u forgotten the time u laid your hands on miracle cause she stole now it’s your sisters turn cause she did the sam thing your opening your mouth wahhhh, close those sagging lips of yours and get ready cause you in for a big thing

    1. Your Mfon brutally hit a girl name precious also which led to her crying and getting hurt. Justice for the girl also. Mtchww


    The attention of the Management of Arthur Jarvis University has been drawn
    to some news item on social media involving a 100 Level student of Mass
    Communication" She was purported to have been beaten up by some
    We will like to bring to the attention of our Dear Parents/Guardians and the
    General Public that cases of assault , fighting and any form of indiscipline
    involving students are dealt with by the School authorities in accordance with
    the University's code of conduct.
    .A case of altercation between the Student and some of her colleagues was
    duly reported to Management by the Security Department on the day of
    vacation. However, the matter has been referred to the Students'
    Disciplinary Committee (SDC) for hearing upon resumption.
    It has become necessary to issue this Public Disclosure to reassure the
    General Public that the University has zero tolerance to any form of
    misconduct by students. Such activities and behaviors considered inimical to
    the well-being of students are equally referred to the appropriate authorities
    for further investigations and necessary actions.
    ADM Mrs.Ughas Ngozi F.
    AG. Registrar

  26. You better delete those innocent people pics you posted that didn't lay their hands on your mfon the same way you deleted the fake pics you were giving her fake drugs because everything about you guys Re fake. You noticed that there is evidence to prove that you're lying. That's why you deleted it

  27. Mfon can never steal,so Aurtu javis university should bring their evidence and stop lies#justiceformfon
    Human rights are on the matter don't worry all the bullies will be brought to book!!!!!!!

    1. Didn't know it was spelt as Aurtu javis
      I wonder which university this is tho


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