Beware that my child and l have been getting threat calls and as l speak ,my facebook account was hacked and blocked by unknown person, The school (Arthur javis University) is suspectef of paying Instagrams to pull down the videos of prove that my daughter was beaten; MFON'S MOTHER, the girl beaten by group of students of Arthur javis University Calabar.

The rate of Violence, killings and Threats in Nigeria is  alarming. The prevailing Gangsterism with Violence amongs schools and out of School Youths in Calabar calls for Concern youths. Recently a student at Arthur javis University Calabar Miss Mfon Ekanem Ubong An 100 level student studying Mass Communication  who was beaten by a gang of girls as it can be called #bad_gangwagons in a private University on the 19th of May.
According to an eyewitness report
That fateful day, one of the girls who was involved in beating #MFONEKANEM, favour ibeabuchi  offered to help mfon plait her hair. Mfon innocently followed her not knowing that it was a trap. This was the chance that the other two girls used to plant the books in mfon's locker and box. The name of the girls who went to plant the said book at MFON'S Locker are  sarah and Davina.
As mfon was getting her hair plaited, Daisy, regina, precious and victoria effanga, who happen to be roommates stormed into the room and started by slapping mfon whilst accusing her of stealing their notebooks.  They even went ahead to hit her with objects, like electric kettle. They hit her eye with hanger and was dragging her around
A crowd gathered there to watch the incident and nobody could even save mfon instead they joined in calling her a thief and  beating her countless times. They even made a video of her while she was being beaten. The maker of this video is shade Some final year students joined in the slapping her.
She was rescued by her aunty's  friends and her aunt who were final year students and was taken to the gate where her parents came to pick up. She was issued a medical exract to leave school on medical grounds.

  We later contacted the Mother  of Mfon Ekanem Ubong,  Dr Mrs Lilian Ekanem Ubong as regarding the situation The Recent Gangster attack on my child  by a Gang of Female Students in her School who attempted to ruin her Life and  Murder her in Calabar  on the 19th of May 2021 for refusing to join their Click .Thank God for two good passerby's who rushed in to Rescue her!!! This is Serious! Even School is not safe! Terrorism and Violent harm also Occurs in Learning Institutions and Security is not effective,Protection of Students in School  from Cult ,gangsters and other Vices is the Responsibility of the School authority .Negligence of this duty is questionable,Camping of Gangsters,Cultists and Terrorist is questionable. NUC,State Government and the Nigerian Police Must enforce the LAW and ensure there is a Police post and Mobile Court in all Universities to capture Suspects and charge them for their atrocities they do in School . As for me, (Dr Mrs LILIAN EKANEM UBONG) went further to say she won't Conceal the Case of her child but Reveal it Openly for The Truth to be heard, the Crime Scene with all the Suspects known and brought to book and to Demand  Justice for her Child who was held down in the Room of death by her Gang  Captors. #Violence in School must End #JusticeForMfon must stand The Violence done must be by the Gang in her School must be addressed #EndViolenceagainstWomen_and GirlsNow!! 
More investigation carried out that the school called the father of mfon to ask the bloggers who had been campaigning for #Justiceformfon to pull down the post.
And later we saw that they have actually paid some Instagrams to pull the video pictures mix from their Instagram account. EG  @foundCalabarbae
that the video had already gotten 804 views on Instagram and @Calabarblog1 we couldn't get the screenshot of the post because it's already been pulled down.

Join your Voice and #SayNotoViolence: #Justiceformfon
She went ahead to say her daughter  that her personal Facebook account is currently under attack and the school had not issued any statement regarding what happened, instead issued a statement that nothing of such happened instead issued a statement that it was an assult and fighting between students. Dr(Mrs)Lilian Ekanem, 
Mother of Mfon.



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