Cryptocurrency- Forex - Real estate- Agriculture majority of the dealers are fake

By the end of this morning, at least 6 radio stations in Port Harcourt would have featured guests in their studio. 

These featured guests  would be "speaking to listeners about a new investment opportunity to make them rich and rake in billions" from one of these trades

- Cryptocurrency
- Forex 
- Real estate
- Agriculture

The presenter would ask one or two generic questions about the "business opportunity" and the guest would recite more lines ostensibly to educate the listeners from their vast store of knowledge.

Their names are always as generic as their presentations. They hardly use native names. And ever more curiously, their names are almost always aspirational pentecostal phrases like:

Wisdom Golden
Kingdom Wealth
Abundance Praise
Miracle Dominion...etc.

Then they would drop their phone numbers, email and website details. Then they'd urge listeners to hurry up and take advantage of this mega opportunity that made billionaires like Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos et al what they are today.

Then the show would end. The presenter would return to his regularly scheduled beat. 

This is what happens next, but it won't be televised nor would your radio pick signals from it.

Your billionaire mentor coach will trek to the nearest junction from the radio station. There, he will stand around for a few minutes. He will wait patiently in his sweltering suit, mopping his brow with a grimy handkerchief as he checks for WhatsApp messages from clients.
A keke napep will pull up and he will jump on after haggling furiously with the keke rider over fares. His destination is any badly-run fast food restaurant at any popular junction. There he'd head for a corner seat. He's now in his head or branch office, depending on how many naïve listeners have already given money to him because his voice was on the radio and so he has to be authentic because the radio station is genuine business. 

Then he'd order a bottle of Fanta and a meatpie which he would slowly consume over the next 2-3 hours as he fields calls from starry-eyed potential clients and mentees. 
His ferret eyes would scan his surroundings for anyone who looks like they are eating more than they are earning, and would not mind hearing about a great opportunity to make 10 million naira by month end so they can buy more fried rice and greasy chicken. These are his potential clients. He'd approach them with a slick smile to introduce them to their dreams of instant wealth. 

When the client traffic is low and he has returned all the calls he needs to, he updates his blog page, his Facebook, his Instagram, etc. Then he tweets some motivational line from Kiyosaki or Greene to his teeming followers. 

Then he settles down to  Nairabet to check on his bids or post a bet on the upcoming Man City vs. Chelsea match which he will go watch at a public viewing centre by 7.00 p.m because he cannot afford cable TV and his uncle with whom he squats married a harridan who counts all the meat and kpomo in the soup pot. 
Immediately he's done collecting and distributing enough funds around his client pool, he will leave their house and rent a two-bedroom flat.

 His ultimate dream of course is to pay a year's rent at a pre-furnished luxury condo in the GRA where he would snap plenty selfies for the gram and net more fish.
This is the person you're about to transfer that your sweat-earned money to so that he can trade and make you the next Jeff Bezos.

And you'd do this because "disruptor" is your destiny and purpose in this life.



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